A'salaamu alaikum ya'll. So this is gonna be my weight-loss journey blog. I decided to make a separate blog for all stuff related to me being less fat. I really want to update it daily (hmm we'll see!) and I didn't want that to be the focus of my personal blog.
Or of my life but... until I get it figured out it looks like it's gonna be. You know I even tried to put off starting this blog! One thing then another and it was 11 pm. Time for shower and bed. But I was so refreshed afterwards and felt like such a loser for procratinating that now, at 12:10 am, I sit here, doing my first post.
I weigh 231.2 Yes, .2 pounds. They are very particular it seems over at weightwatchers. I have a childhood bestfriend who was overweight all her adult life; she joined WW a few years ago and really just feels amazing. She is even a meeting leader or whatever now in W VA; any of ya'll live in Meadowbridge, give her a shout out. lol
Anyway so there is the number. Daaaaang it's big. B I G big. Not just Big. Oh and I will use self-deprecating humor; please don't tell me to love myself. Loving myself is what got me to 231.2 pounds. :-D I don't use humor as a shield, I use it as humor. I find it funny; if you are appalled by fat jokes, move on. It'll just be easier this way.
I guess if you are here you know me from my other blog (more than likely). So you know I am a proud and unapologetic Muslimah alhamdulillah! You also know I am a wife and a mother and those are my 3 biggest joys in this life. Oh and then there is food. Yes food, beautiful food, how I love thee! I can covet a culinary work of art like other women might covet a new diamond bracelet. :-) It's one of my interests, cooking and eating, thusly... we are here.
Umm I think I am rambling a little sorry. I'll get back to the program! OK so I chose WW. I have divulged my weight. I intend to take my measurements and keep up here with my inches lost. I won't post those for obvious reasons but I'll do a running tally of my losses.
I would like to say something in all seriousness. It takes alot to open up to others about your weaknesses. Food has become one of mine. Not in the "my precious" creepy kinda way but in the "I cook for a small army and by dangit I'm gonna eat it too!" kinda way. Coupled with the "too tired to move my ever-widening rear end off the sofa" way and well.... recipe for disaster.
You might be interested in this very precise mathematical formula I derived. Oh and yes, the original artwork is by me. :-)
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Or if you do get them tied, you tie them towards the outside, not centered, cause you have to put your leg up on your knee to reach the laces. lol |
I've run out of time and energy to post what I ate today. However I will leave you with this:
After I left the WW meeting, I took Zainab and Aaminah out to McDonald's and promptly ran through the rest of the points I had for the day. LOL Ain't life sweet? Subhanallah. :-)
See ya'll back soon, salaam!
Oh yes, right. I just figured out little stick figure Jeanna will be the picture posted by my blog entry. Oh well, no followers yet so it's all good! :-)
I'm right with you sis, Insha'Allah we can support each other. I'm starting my 3rd week with WW today. So far I'm down a couple of lbs, I only have about 60 more to go.
I can't wait to see more posts, ha love it how your talking about losing weight and then off to Mc Donalds lol. My husband bought me home something from Mc Donalds at 10 pm last night I was like what are you trying to do to me, but ate it up anyway. Meh. :P :)
Salaam sisters. Thanks for joining me here; I really want to succeed this time (unlike all the other times I never really tried lol) so I thought more accountability would be good.
You know wearing hijab and abaya it's easy to fool most people; they can't really tell when you gain weight. I don't NEED that kinda anonymity.
See ya'll later, ma salaama!
As Salaam Alaikum :)
MashaAllah and Mabrook ♥
Years ago I was on WW too and I am still in the frame of mind whenever I start "dieting" to use the methods that I learned with them. I even have my old, old, old folder full of stuff from over 15 years ago.
Anyway, I did lose weight with them but then I stopped and gained much more...but they do work MashaAllah.
I am around the same weight as you and have much to lose. I am 5'2"
InshaAllah this will be our year for success...we can do it! ♥
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